Emotional Prosperity for Life!

by Kevan E. Schlamowitz, Ph.D.

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"The world does not need another self-help book," I firmly replied when the editor of Family Circle Magazine suggested that I put my approach to stress and regaining control over one's life into print.

But she insisted, pointing out that my use of a financial metaphor to convey psychological concepts made it very different and uniquely useful. And so, I wrote Emotional Prosperity for Life! with an eye toward keeping it short & sweet — something you could digest on a cross-country flight, for example.

Although it's been a few years since that happened, recent events in our economy make what this book offers more timely than ever!

I wrote this for anyone who wants to regain control over how stress affects their life. It offers you greater peace of mind, the ability to free up energy that's currently wasted, a more balanced lifestyle, and a perspective that can profoundly change your daily interactions. To possess these things is to become truly rich.