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There are several pieces to the puzzle your clients present. While addressing the first piece is straightforward, strategic psychological services provides valuable assistance in completing the picture.

The Financial Piece
The nuts & bolts of what to do with the money. Ideally, the financial advisors can focus primarily on this arena without having to become armchair psychologists!

The Emotional Piece
Here’s where we address vital questions such as “What do you care about? What’s your connection to the money / things? How does it affect your relationships?” Dealing with the emotional elements of finance and wealth must go hand in hand with the more traditional legal & financial advice and planning in order to insure overall success for the client.

The Spiritual Piece
Often overlooked, exploring what part, if any, a person’s spiritual beliefs play in wealth management planning can be essential.

The Psychological Piece
Understanding the client’s personality and belief systems enables planners to work more effectively. Learning what “language” the client speaks makes for better communication and facilitates cooperation.



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© Kevan E. Schlamowitz, Ph.D.